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  • AutorenbildHelene

The Neutral-Lover's Guide to Color this Spring

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

Seid ihr dem Neutrale Farben-Trend diesen Frühling auch so verfallen? Ich bin nicht nur zur Zeit total begeistert davon, sondern auch überzeugt, dass der Trend keine Eintagsfliege ist. Weiß, Beige, Rosa, Nude und so weiter gehören sowieso zu meiner persönlichen go-to Farbpalette und werden sich langfristig in meinem Kleiderschrank ziemlich sicher durchsetzen, auch nach diesem Jahr. Aber bei aller Liebe für neutrals, ein Farbklecks ist nie verkehrt. Deshalb habe ich hier mal ein paar Ideen gesammelt, wie wir auch als Liebhaber neutraler Töne etwas Farbe in unsere Looks bringen:

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration


Farbe heißt nicht unbedingt knallig! Einfach einen Gang runterschalten und eine der wunderschönen, pastelligen Eiscreme-Töne wählen – ob das Haselnuss, Pistazie, Erdbeer, Vanille oder sogar Schlumpf-Eis ist. Die Möglichkeiten sind endlos, eigentlich geht es nur um eine Pastell-Schattierung, die gut zu weiß oder beige passt. Was mich zu meinem nächsten Punkt bringt… neutrals kombinieren

In Kombi mit “farblosen” Tönen sehen Farben gleich viel schicker und eleganter aus, denn wir vermeiden den bunten Kindergarten-Look. Obendrein bewegen wir uns dann auch nicht allzu sehr aus der Komfortzone und bleiben unserer eigenen Stilrichtung treu.

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

In einer Farbpalette bleiben

Das Outfit wird stimmig, wenn es in einem Farbschema angesiedelt ist, deshalb versuche ich wo es geht, die Farben, die ich trage, in einem Temperaturbereich zu halten. Zum Beispiel habe ich hier zwei Blautöne und ein sehr helles Lila mit Weiß kombiniert – beides kühle Nuancen. Zu eher rötlichen Farben, die wärmer sind, passt beispielsweise beige oder rosa besser.

Tragt ihr gern Farben? Und gefallen euch knallige oder gedeckte Töne besser?

xo, Helene

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration


fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

Are you obsessed with the neutral color spring trend as well? I certainly am and also, I’m convinced this trend is here to stay. Plus personally, I’m super into whites, beiges, pinks, nudes and so on and determined to make them my go-to color palette, far beyond this 2019 trend. However, sometimes a little color is kind of nice, isn’t it? That’s why I worked out some ideas on how to incorporate color into your style even though you’re a neutral lover:

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration


Color doesn’t have to mean vibrant shades – you could just tone it down a little and go with a beautiful, pastel ice cream color. Think of hazelnut, pistachio, strawberry, vanilla, and even this light blue flavor many kids like. The possibilities are endless, just look for a pastel shade that will go nicely with white or cream. Which brings me to my next point...

Combine with neutrals

… always combine color with neutral shades. Firstly, to avoid looking like you’re straight outta kindergarten, and secondly, to keep your look muted and therefore more elegant. What’s more, in this way you’re not straying too far from your comfort zone and can slowly try out a new direction with your style.

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

Keep your look in one color palette

I like to stay in one type of color palette and orientate the shades I’m wearing towards the colors’ temperatures. For example, in this outfit i combined two blue tones with white and kept everything on the cooler side of the scale. If I wore more reddish shades, I would rather pair them with warmer colors like beige or pink.

Do you like to wear color? Do you prefer vibrant or muted tones?

xo, Helene

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration

fashionblogger, outfit, fashion, modeblogger, blue bag, neutral look, white shoes, spring outfit, spring fashion, outfit ideas, style inspiration


What I’m Wearing

Midi Skirt: Asos

T-Shirt: Hallhuber; similar here

Jacket: H&M; similar here

Shoes: Aldo

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