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  • AutorenbildHelene

Boots in Spring? Yes Please!

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

Ich bin einfach ein Schuhmädchen, deshalb haben die letzten Posts hier gerade viel damit zu tun. Der neuste Einzug in meinen Schuhschrank waren ein Paar weiße Mules (hier gibt’s den Post dazu), aber heute geht es um Schuhe, die wir nicht automatisch in Verbindung mit dem Frühling bringen: Stiefel!

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

Stiefeletten sind eine schönes Idee, um Frühlingsoutfits aufzuwerten und sie weniger feminin zu machen (besonders, wenn es ein florales, fließendes Kleid ist), indem sie einen kleinen Stilbruch mit reinbringen. Hier sind natürlich keine für Schneewetter geeigneten Moonboots oder Overknees gemeint, sondern Ankle Boots oder halbhohe Stiefel ohne Futter. Die einzige Styling-Regel für Stiefel im Frühling ist für mich, sie nicht zu Hosen oder ohne Strumpfhose zu tragen, um einen typischen Herbst-Look zu vermeiden. Also, wenn ihr schnell ein modetechnisch sicheres Outfit braucht, greift zu einem kleinen weißen Sommerkleid, einem Midirock oder dem klassischen Jeansmidi, schlüpft in eure Lieblingsstiefel, und los geht’s!

Was denkt ihr über Stiefel im Frühling – yay oder nay?

xo, Helene

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger


white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

What can I say, I’m a shoe gal, that’s why the latest posts on here are kind of footwear-related. The most recent addition to my shoe closet were white mules (check out the post here), whereas today I’m writing about a shoe you wouldn’t typically consider adequate for spring: booties!

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger

I find boots are a brilliant idea to elevate any spring outfits, make them less girly (especially if it’s a floral dress), but add a certain edge. Clearly I’m not talking about your snow-proof moon boots nor over the knee boots (gonna save those for fall), but ankle or medium-high boots without lining. The only styling rule for me when it comes to boots in spring is pairing them with bare legs to avoid a more autumnal look. So when in doubt, grab your little white dress, a midi skirt, or a denim mini skirt, slip into your favorite booties, and there you go!

What do you think about wearing boots in spring – yay or nay?

xo, Helene

white dress, boots, sunglasses, pearl earrings, festival style, coachella style, fashionblogger, outfit, style blogger, modeblogger


What I’m Wearing

Dress: H&M

Boots: Topshop; similar here

Bag: Mango

Earrings: Mango

Sunnies: Ilymix

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